On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 11:50:53AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote:
>    I have removed the blank lines, thank you for that tip. I am sending in 
> the 'ticket' as a user
>    other than myself and I am trying to notify someone other than myself. I 
> am still not seeing
>    the scrip being run.
>    But, if I put the following code in the template:
>    -------------
>    {my $to_address = "username" }
>    To: {$to_addre...@4j.lane.edu
>    Subject: New Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id() } has been created
>    Time to go to work
>    ------------------
>    The script that uses this template gets run but I get an error on the 
> recipients. I am trying
>    to create a simple test that will successfully sendout e-mail, then I can 
> start trying to
>    figure out why my code is broken.

Please include the error

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