On Tue, Jan 04, 2011 at 10:09:05PM +0000, Naresh Maharaj wrote:
> Dear All
> We have found in issue in RT that causes us great concern.
> Below is a ticket which has a Comment followed by a Correspondence
> The problem is when we reply to a ticket (I assume this creates a
> correspondence) the customer also sees the Comment in the reply.
> The example below has a Comment "Customer is complete nobhead."
> The Correspondence has a reply of "This ticket has now been closed."
> In the exact email below the customer / requester contact...@yahoo.com would
> have definitely seen the bizarre internal comment.
> I was under the impression that this could never happen as comments were for
> internal use and never seen by the Requester.

This looks like you quoted a comment in a reply
RT will not send comments to requestors unless misconfigured to do so,
but nothing stops you from taking a screenshot of a comment and
sending it to a requestor or quoting a comment when corresponding with

You may have misconfigured RT to cause outbound comments to have a
correspond address in it, but since you don't provide nearly enough
data, we can't know what you did.


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Naresh Maharaj <contact...@yahoo.com>
> Date: 4 January 2011 22:01
> Subject: Fw: [ Hewitt & May #176] Test Ticket - #1 from yahoo mail box
> To: "Naresh (Gmail) Maharaj" <contact...@gmail.com>
> --- On Tue, 4/1/11, rt-customerc...@admin.hewittandmay.com <
> rt-customerc...@admin.hewittandmay.com> wrote:
> > From: rt-customerc...@admin.hewittandmay.com <
> rt-customerc...@admin.hewittandmay.com>
> > Subject: [ Hewitt & May #176] Test Ticket - #1 from yahoo mail box
> > To: contact...@yahoo.com
> > Cc: kirsty.lickor...@extera.co.uk, nar...@hewittandmay.com
> > Date: Tuesday, 4 January, 2011, 21:35
> > This ticket has now been closed.
> >
> > Henk, Customer Care
> >
> > Hewitt & May (Shirtmakers) Ltd
> > customerc...@hewittandmay.com
> > www.hewittandmay.co.uk
> >
> > On Tue Jan 04 21:34:54 2011, henkdhoore wrote:
> > > Customer is complete nobhead.
> > >
> > > Henk, Customer Care
> > >
> > > Hewitt & May (Shirtmakers) Ltd
> > > customerc...@hewittandmay.com
> > > www.hewittandmay.co.uk
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Naresh Maharaj,
> Hewitt & May (Shirtmakers) Ltd
> email: i...@hewittandmay.com
> web: http://www.hewittandmay.co.uk

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