On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 09:34:41AM -0600, Izz Abdullah wrote:
> If you want to use MySQL login, did you add that as a secondary path
> of authentication in your SiteConfig file? I didn't want this option,
> but seems like when using ExternalAuth, if you wanted to allow local
> login / MySQL, you have to configure that as well in the config file.

This is false - RT-Authen-ExternalAuth falls back to the internal
mysql password if it cannot log you in with the configured LDAP
sources.  You should not configure RT-Authen-ExternalAuth to look
directly at the Users table, it is unnecessary.

If you're having trouble managing RT internal users while logged in as
an LDAP user, please see Ruslan's response about possible bugs.  Try
logging in as root and seeing if that helps.


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*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28 & 29, 2011

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