On 05/29/2012 08:50 AM, SCOTTO Alberto (Consultant) (FIAT POWERTRAIN
> Thank you very much for the link!
> It's a feature very useful for end users, so when I have time, I'll try to 
> figure out how to solve the problem (I see a solution already exists, I'll 
> see if it works on RT4). 

FWIW, the autocomplete feature only exists in RT 4.  I believe the
correct workaround is to add /Helpers/Autocomplete/Users and
/Helpers/Autocomplete/Owners to the $SelfServiceRegex config option.

We're working on a fix which also refactors and tidies up the
autocomplete endpoints while we're at it.

  • [rt-users] Auto... SCOTTO Alberto (Consultant) (FIAT POWERTRAIN TECHNOLOGIES)
    • Re: [rt-us... Thomas Sibley
      • [rt-us... SCOTTO Alberto (Consultant) (FIAT POWERTRAIN TECHNOLOGIES)
        • Re... Thomas Sibley
          • ... SCOTTO Alberto (Consultant) (FIAT POWERTRAIN TECHNOLOGIES)

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