On 13 Feb 2013, at 16:34, Nick Fennell <nick.fenn...@appliansys.com> wrote:

> Hi All.
> Have just installed/enabled the plugin 'RT-Extension-RepliesToResolved'. This 
> was in place of a less supported option 'ForkIntoNewTicket'.
> The new plugin seems to work in the basic sense, resolved tickets are no 
> longer recording new messages but instead, new messages are forked correctly 
> into a new ticket.
> However, I have one or two little gripes;
> 1) I don't see the links being created between the forked response and the 
> original ticket
> 2) I'd like to be able to prefix the forked template so that it includes a 
> similar message to;
> Response received on reply to previously resolved ticket: #12345

Can't help you with the second bit, but (1) is already fixed, if you're using 
version 0.02 of the extension, which you can get from github if it's not on 
CPAN yet:




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