I am not sure if there is any solution to this. I have been digging
everywhere for information but I couldn't find any solution.

I am currently using RT 4 as the ticketing system in my company. Below is
the scenario:

Colleague A emails to the RT’s email and include Colleague B in the loop as

RT create new ticket (#1 New Test Ticket) and send auto reply email
to Colleague A with Ticket ID.

Colleague B ”reply all”  on the original email sent by Colleague A  thus
creating another ticket on RT (#2 RE: New Test Ticket).

Is there a way to recognize the subject text instead of the ticket ID to
avoid the creation of a new ticket? The ideal situation would be to add B
email to the same ticket of A email instead of creating a new ticket. At
the moment I am doing manually, I go to RT interface and link ticket #2 to
ticket #1.

I would be very grateful if someone could help.

Thanks a lot,


RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20: http://bestpractical.com/training

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