On 05/09/2013 10:52 AM, Jok Thuau wrote:
> Has anyone from best practical considered integrating these patches in the
> source? (seems quite harmless from where I stand)
> Would one just fork the github repo and submit a pull request from there?

This suggestion comes up once in a while, and there's been lengthy
discussion about it in the past on rt-users.  There are good reasons not
to use References: or subject matching heuristics all the time; it boils
down to common use cases which easily generate false positives
(associating email with an existing ticket instead of creating a new
one).  False positives are potentially much worse from a
privacy/security/information leak standpoint than false negatives.
Probably it should be configurable for sites which accept the pitfalls
of using References:.

It's too late to consider for RT 4.2, but maybe 4.4.

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20: http://bestpractical.com/training

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