On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 07:51:56AM +0000, Kriegers Horst wrote:
>    Like you can see in my initial post, I've provided a mapping (maybe 
> incorrect).
>    Now, I've modified my mapping like this and the error is always the same.

This mapping is how you need to do it, your original mapping was

In addition, I believe your actual problem is that you are defining
__maps__ inside your lifecycle.  Instead, maps needs to be outside
your igs definition (if you think about it, maps is a top level
concept, not specific to one lifecycle).


>    __maps__ => {
>                'default -> igs' => {
>                    'new'      => 'new',
>                    'open'     => 'open',
>                    'stalled'  => 'stalled',
>                    'resolved' => 'resolved',
>                    'rejected' => 'rejected',
>                    'deleted'  => 'deleted',
>                },
>                'igs -> default' => {
>                    'new'      => 'new',
>                    'open'     => 'open',
>                    'stalled'  => 'stalled',
>                    'resolved' => 'resolved',
>                    'rejected' => 'rejected',
>                    'deleted'  => 'deleted',
>                    'ToTest'   => 'new',
>                    'IsTested' => 'open',
>                },
>            },

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