Hi Bart,

I was hoping to not have to downgrade. :P I can live without the rich text 
editor for now.


On 11 December, 2013 at 8:33:59 pm, Bart (b...@pleh.info) wrote:


As mentioned in that thread, I resolved it by installing version 4.2.0 again 
using these steps:

# Download and unpack version 4.2.0
wget wget http://download.bestpractical.com/pub/rt/release/rt-4.2.0.tar.gz
tar -xvzf rt-4.2.0.tar.gz
cd rt-4.2.0

# Only go up to the make upgrade, don't do the upgrade-database parts
make upgrade

# Restart RT
service apache2 stop
rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj/*
service apache2 start

Unfortunately I don't know if there's a "real" fix for this problem, for now 
I'm satisfied with the downgrade to version 4.2.0 which seems to work just fine 
(even with the 4.2.1 database changes, apparently they have no affect on the 
functionality of RT 4.2.0).

2013/12/11 Lai Zit Seng <l...@zitseng.com>
I seem to be experiencing the same problem as mentioned in:


I don’t have custom templates. The HTML tags are only appearing when replying 
through the web interface. Disabling the Rich Text Editor avoids this problem. 
Hope this can be fixed?



Bart G.

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