
I'm using RT 3.8.17 and installed RT::Extension::SLA 0.07, currently
testing it.
When I set a ticket status to "Stalled" the due date gets unset, and this
is what I want.

However, when I set the ticket status back to "open", the due date is set
to the original value, it may correspond already to a past date.

Do you know if there is a way to have the due date set automatically
to a time in future, i.e. now+QueuePriority?

I paste my current config. Any help/diection is appreciated.


%RT::ServiceAgreements = (
        Default => '4h',
        QueueDefault => {
            'a1-rt' => '1h',
            'a2-rt' => '4h',
            'z1-rt' => '1d',
            'z2-rt' => '10d',
        Levels => {
                '1h' => {
                        Response   => { RealMinutes => 60*1 ,
IgnoreOnStatuses => ['stalled'] },
                        Resolve => { RealMinutes => 60*1 , IgnoreOnStatuses
=> ['stalled'] },
                '4h' => {
                        Response   => { RealMinutes => 60*1 },
                        Resolve => { RealMinutes => 60*4 },
                '1d' => {
                        Response   => { RealMinutes => 60*1 },
                        Resolve => { RealMinutes => 60*24 },
                '10d' => {
                        Response   => { RealMinutes => 60*1 },
                        Resolve => { RealMinutes => 60*240 },
RT Training London, March 19-20 and Dallas May 20-21

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