On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 09:08:49AM +0000, Flynn, Peter wrote:
> On 19/05/14 15:23, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> > You need to set up some pipe aliases using rt-mailgate:
> > http://www.bestpractical.com/docs/rt/4.2/rt-mailgate.html
> Thanks...I had got that far, but it wasn't clear if the aliases you 
> create in /etc/aliases had to match usernames set up in RT.

rt-mailgate doesn't deliver to RT Users, it delivers to RT Queues, so
there's absolutely no connection between user accounts in RT and
aliases used to execute rt-mailgate or mailbox names used in say
fetchmail that then execute rt-mailgate or the myriad of other ways
rt-mailgate is executed.


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RT Training - Boston, September 9-10

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