On 22-3-2016 18:56, Jeffrey Pilant wrote:
> I am a novice at RT.  I was given an instance of RT 3.8.4 to upgrade a
> while ago.
> I upgraded it into RT 4.2.10.  Seemed to be OK.  At least it ran.
> Today, months later, I was informed the tickets are not displaying the
> custom fields that used to be there.
> I have confirmed that the field definitions appear to have been copied
> over.
> However, the fields are not showing in the display.
> Can someone post stuff for me to check?
Use the Admin part to check if those CF are still 'applied to' your queues.
Another thing: it could be rights related
> I suspect it is something as simple as adding the field to the list of
> things to show on the display page.
> However, I don’t know how to do that.
Its possible some custom code/callbacks did some wonderful things but
without an idea how it looked like and how its looking now its hard to
guess as to why it doesn't work.
Do you happen to have a file backup of the RT install tree?
That way you can try to find out if any customization has been done.


RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions https://bestpractical.com/training
* Washington DC - May 23 & 24, 2016

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