On Thu, 10 Mar 2016 14:36:12 +0100 Vegard Vesterheim 
<vegard.vesterh...@uninett.no> wrote:

> Some of our users find the RT web gui complex, and also ineffective for
> some use-cases. I have been tasked to investigate alternative GUIs
> for RT.
> The "criticism" relates to the fact that some fields are irrelevant for
> some users and should be possible to suppress, and also that the default
> ticket display does not allow editing the fields directly. We are
> considering creating a new ticket display page which combines the
> contents from Basics (Ticket/Modify.html) and History
> (Ticket/History.html). This is fairly easy to implement, I guess.

We have now implemented a variant of the Jumbo edit page, calling it
./local/html/Ticket/Edit.html. The idea is to allow this page to be used
as the default ticket display page (instead of Ticket/Display.html).

The user can now edit the ticket directly, having access to the ticket
history in the same page. We need to test this functionality a bit more,
but I wonder if something like this could be considered for inclusion
into RT.

> Maybe one could even add a user preference for default ticket display
> page.

I tried to register a new User Custom Field, naming the Field
'PreferEditDisplay', and allowing two values for the field: 'Edit' or
'Display'. I have registered the value 'Edit' for a specific user for
this Custom Field, but I am not able to extract the value
programmatically. I expected the following code to work, but I get no
values back.

my $UserObj = RT::User->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
my $cf_values = $UserObj->CustomFieldValues('PreferEditDisplay');

I tried to enable DBI tracing, expecting to observe some relevant
SELECT-statements from the objectcustomfieldvalues table, but there are

rt4=> select content, disabled from objectcustomfieldvalues where 
customfield=(select id from customfields where name='PreferEditDisplay');
 content | disabled 
 Edit    |        1
 Display |        1
 Edit    |        0

Any hints on how to extract custom field values for a specific custom
field, and a specific User object?

- Vegard V -
RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions https://bestpractical.com/training
* Los Angeles - September, 2016

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