> On Jan 20, 2016, at 12:32 AM, Nitish Gupta (nitisgup) <nitis...@cisco.com> 
> wrote:
> The other thing I want to make sure if there is any particular configuration 
> requirement from a BFD YANG model perspective. I understand that you are 
> using the fast timer in BFD to detect next-hop IP address liveliness check. 
> We address that configuration in the BFD YANG model today. However, we have 
> not addressed the issue of p2mp BFD configuration as yet. Depending on how 
> that discussion proceeds we might want to look at that also.
> [nitish] There is no particular requirement that we can see from BFD YANG 
> model perspective. As VRRP should interface with BFD as another protocol 
> using BFD as a means of fast failure detection of its peer.

The desired behavior we're looking for in yang is ideally making use of the 
groupings exported by the BFD yang module.  This permits a simple maintainable 
place to put BFD session parameters.

There are two issues Mahesh is alluding to:
1. Multipoint is currently not in the BFD yang spec.  Thus, the BFD yang team 
has homework to provide support for that option to allow modules such as a vrrp 
module supporting this feature to import it.
2. VRRP would only utilize this in *some* circumstances; namely the 
master/backup scenario rather than each backup.  Configuration state would 
likely be consistent, but ti does make the operational state a bit trickier.  
The session is provisioned, but may not be started - and it may not even be 
*instantiated* depending on the implementation and whether the priority of the 
VRRP router is lower than the first available backup.

-- Jeff

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