El 12/09/15 a les 23:04, Antti Kantee ha escrit:
In any case, it takes me little effort to update this PPA as it is just
on the package I made for Debian, which is currently in validation queue:


For those of us not familiar with the Debian process, what does "in validation 
queue" mean?

It means it may soon be included in the Debian distribution, which (I hope) 
will lead to some of
Debian packages using it (the Hurd looks like a likely candidate).

See: https://wiki.debian.org/NewQueue

Oh wow, I hope you didn't have to type all those licenses manually ;)

Not really (see 

I did have to review the entire file and perform many corrections though.

I did start reading from the top, and I noticed the license for dhcp_main.c 
didn't make any sense.  And it's actually wrong.

Please can you ellaborate? I just rechecked and can't see what you mean.

Robert Millan

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