On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Matthieu Monrocq
<matthieu.monr...@gmail.com> >>
>> The extent to which you can have mutable iterators in Rust is pretty
>> small, because of the memory safety requirement. Iterators can't open
>> up a hole allowing multiple mutable references to the same object to
>> be obtained, so I don't think mutable bidirectional or random access
>> iterators are possible.
>> Forward iterators can't ever give you an alias because they're a
>> single pass over the container. It's an easy guarantee to provide.
> Is it ?
> In this case it would mean that you can only have one Forward Iterator in
> scope (for a given container) at once too (ie, the forward iterator borrows
> the container); otherwise you could have two distinct iterators pointing to
> the same underlying element.

Yeah, the compiler will only allow you to obtain one mutable iterator
at a time. You can obtain any number of immutable ones.

> I certainly appreciate the ongoing debate anyway, it's great to see things
> being exposed to light and openly discussed. I would like to contribute with
> one point: partitioning.
> Sometimes, you would like to partition a container, or point to one of its
> elements.
> For example, in C++, you have an overload of insert which takes an iterator
> allowing you to point to the routine where the element you ask to insert is
> likely to go and thus shaving off a couple comparisons (if you are right).
> This requires pointing to a single element, to be contrasted with a range.
> Another example would be partitioning, a partition of a slice can be
> represented with two points: the two end-points of the slice and the point
> of partition.
> Both of those examples can be represented by ranges (or in C++ iterator)
> though they do not themselves imply any iteration. My point, thus, is that
> there might be a need for "fingers inside a container" that go beyond basic
> iteration.
> -- Matthieu

To some extent we have a special case for this with string/vector
slices but it's not yet extended to containers in general. The vector
module could return two *disjoint* `&mut [T]` slices because the
caller is unable to extend them.
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