How does this work without getting into a dependency loop at build time?


On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Brian Anderson <> wrote:
> On 11/03/2013 11:10 PM, Martin DeMello wrote:
>> I've been looking at which
>> seems like it should be fairly simple to fix, however, the proposed
>> solution involves EnumSet from libextra.
>> Is it possible to use stuff from libextra within libstd? It seems to
>> me that it would set up a circular dependency, though that could just
>> be my misunderstanding the rust compilation model. If it is possible,
>> how would I do it? If not, what would be the proper fix for issue
>> #6085?
> As others mentioned it's not generally possible, but just for curiosity's
> sake I'll point out that when running tests std *does* link to and use
> features from libextra. It's mind-bending and bad.
> When we decide that std absolutely can't live without features from extra,
> then those features get promoted to std. The bar is pretty high though.
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