On 11/04/2013 03:09 PM, Gaetan wrote:
ok I understand, it will be like python which I really like the modularity. I'm beginning to play a little with std::os as my first rust programming, trying to add missing methods, etc, and I think this should quite strategic to move to libextra and then to be splitted appart, this would solve this cyclic dependency. What do you think about it?

Things like 'mkdir' are pretty important and are increasingly tied to our I/O subsystem (it just moved into std::rt::io::fs), so I don't think it should move out of standard. Since this issue of how to represent OR-able flags is pretty common, the consensus seems to be to clean up EnumSet and move it to std. If you're interested in tackling it I opened an issue specifically about the move https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/10272.


2013/11/4 Martin DeMello <martindeme...@gmail.com <mailto:martindeme...@gmail.com>>

    How does this work without getting into a dependency loop at build


    On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Brian Anderson
    <bander...@mozilla.com <mailto:bander...@mozilla.com>> wrote:
    > On 11/03/2013 11:10 PM, Martin DeMello wrote:
    >> I've been looking at
    https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/6085 which
    >> seems like it should be fairly simple to fix, however, the proposed
    >> solution involves EnumSet from libextra.
    >> Is it possible to use stuff from libextra within libstd? It
    seems to
    >> me that it would set up a circular dependency, though that
    could just
    >> be my misunderstanding the rust compilation model. If it is
    >> how would I do it? If not, what would be the proper fix for issue
    >> #6085?
    > As others mentioned it's not generally possible, but just for
    > sake I'll point out that when running tests std *does* link to
    and use
    > features from libextra. It's mind-bending and bad.
    > When we decide that std absolutely can't live without features
    from extra,
    > then those features get promoted to std. The bar is pretty high
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