On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 5:56 AM, Gaetan <gae...@xeberon.net> wrote:
> Can I advise to have a certain constitency in the semantics?
> Not having ~foo, *foo, Rc<>, Gc<>.
> I would rather prefere having
>   ~foo *foo &foo @foo
> of
>   Something<>foo, other<>foo, Rc<> foo
> By the way, I like pretty much your pronoums thing, this help understanding
> :)
> -----
> Gaetan

Containers and smart pointers are plain old generic data types, they
don't deserve special construction or type syntax at all in my
opinion. If there's something wrong with Rust's syntax for generics,
lets fix that.

I wouldn't mind not having `~T` in the language at all, but am not
really opposed to including it because there's no harm. Choosing to
special-case arbitrary non-trivial data structures like vectors and
reference counted boxes *is* harmful because alternatives should *not*
be second-class.
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