On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 7:40 AM, Gaetan <gae...@xeberon.net> wrote:
> I think this is precisely one of the bigest issue, from a newbee point of
> view. And I agree with spir on this point. It's not that important, but you
> end up placing them everywhere "to make the compiler happy".
> ~str should be a ~T. If it is not, it should use another semantic.
> However, I don't see where you explain this subtility in the tutorial,
> didn't you added it recently?
> PS: I'm french, I know pretty well that all subtilities (other words for
> "exception to the general rules") my natural language has their own reason,
> BUT if I wanted to redesign french, I would get rid of all these rules,
> exceptions, rules in the exceptions. And exceptions in the rules of
> exceptions...
> -----
> Gaetan

I don't want to have `~str` and `~[T]` in the language, so I'm not
really motivated to spend time trying to paper over the confusion
caused by them. I doubt most users of Rust realize that ~([1, 2, 3])
and ~[1, 2, 3] have different types, and dynamically sized types are
not going to fix this.
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