On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Daniel Micay <danielmi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think it can be solved by using visibility, along with providing a way
> to override the visibility rules and call private functions. That means
> replacing the current usage of visibility for memory safety with unsafe
> fields though, but I think that's important to make the memory safety
> boundary work properly anyway.

Just to clarify what I see going on here and how other (type) systems have
solved this:

For things like XSS and SQLi, the problem is untrusted off-the-wire data
being used in what is more or less a "secure" context.

Some might refer to this sort of untrusted off-the-wire data as "tainted"
and try to use some sort of taint analysis to solve the problem. The TS*
dependent type system refers to it as "Un" (i.e. untrusted) and relies on
its dependent type system to prove Un data isn't used in a secure context.
Very fancy and possibly overkill, but that said, a pretty awesome solution
to the problem.

There is a *generic* problem here of using such untrusted data in any sort
of templating or metalinguistic context. The general problem is OWASP #1:
failure to sanitize input, affecting vulnerabilities like XSS, SQLi, and
LDAP injection.

I am absolutely certain this affects systems like Servo as well ;)

Preventing untrusted data from penetrating the secure contexts of the
program using the type system has the potential to mitigate the most common
security vulnerabilities if done correctly.

Tony Arcieri
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