It seems natural to conflate memory (to which "unsafe" refers to uses
of) and types.

It might make sense to extend the terminology to types: perhaps
"bottom" could express a similar thing: that beyond which the compiler
is uncertain.

However, if we tried to extend this terminology directly into
higher-level statements like "secure" vs. "insecure", unless there's
actually a way to define requirements and get a compiler to prove a
program with a bunch of SQL queries is secure, I'm not comfortable
giving devs. a tool with which to lie to themselves.  :D


On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 3:56 AM, Florian Weimer <> wrote:
> * Matthieu Monrocq:
> > If a method requires a SQL-safe string... ah no, don't do that, use
> > bind-parameters and you are guaranteed to be sql-injection safe.
> Sometimes, SQL queries (with parameter placeholders) are loaded from
> configuration files, and such operations look unsafe from the point of
> view of most (reasonable) type systems.
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