Michael Dressel wrote in <alpine.LNX.\

Message came through now; maybe a caching issue or so, i have not
changed anything in the meantime...

 |thanks again for the quick help. It works fine now.

Yes, but i am sorry, this typical northern German eagerness for
a new release unfortunately has to wait at least one more month, i have
an idea for "message access from the front" a bit similar to what
`~^' can do "from the back" (in a compose-splice hook), and then
OpenPGP support really has to come now.

Thanks a lot again for reporting these issues, i hope i have been
able to deconvolve all aspects now.  With tests.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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