Hello again Cág.

Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in <20180927223606.qal28%stef...@sdaoden.eu>:
 |Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in <20180927222911.jvncp%stef...@sdaoden.eu>:
 ||Cág wrote in <20180927215317.sicaq%c...@bitmessage.ch>:
 |||Suppose you don't have an Internet connection. Then you try something
 |||like this "file pop3s://user%40mailprovider etc etc" (I have

Should be pop3s://user@mailprovider btw.
I agree that `urlcodec' should be much smarter, and not do

  #?0!0/NONE[#+[..]? urlenc pop3s://user@mailprovider
   in: <pop3s://user@mailprovider> (25 bytes)
  out: <pop3s%3A%2F%2Fuser%40mailprovider> (33 bytes)

That is terrible :-(
Ach! one more problem which will linger until v15 when URL is
a real object and you can say url_open_connection(urlobject) or
such, like url_conn_factory() or whatever.  :-(

 |||"commandalias G" for that). In this case s-nail produces a segmentation
 |||fault and dumps a core that backtraces to libc. Why does it happen and
 |||should it?
 |||My system, if this matters, NetBSD.
 ||I hope not.
 |I cannot reproduce it at a glance via AlpineLinux:

And i also cannot reproduce it on NetBSD 8.
..However, instead of failing immediately with NETUNREACH NetBSD
tries to connect (from within the VM), which looks like as if it
would be hanging.  I wonder whether the connection progress which
will appear when *verbose* is set shall always appear in
interactive mode.  Hmm.  I think i will do this.

  #?0!0/NONE[#/var/mail/steffen]? G
  s-nail: Resolving host ....:pop3s ... done
  s-nail: Connecting to ...:pop3s ... .................... timeout
  s-nail: Could not connect: Operation timed out
  ERROR# #?1!60/TIMEDOUT[#/var/mail/steffen]? 

I wonder Cág, which NetBSD version, which compiler...
What does the follwing command say, for example:

  $ s-nail -Sverbose -Xversion -Xx

Could you compile with debug enabled and send the generated NYD
output when the program crashes (compress the file, my postfix has
a size limit and it compresses very good anyway), or could you
give me the "bt" backtrace that gdb produces, please?  This would
be very helpful!

Segfault, and that on a Friday.  Winter time about to come it
seems, grrr, terrible!!!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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