
Cág wrote in <20180927225715.iv3ds%c...@bitmessage.ch>:
 |Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
 |> I cannot reproduce it at a glance via AlpineLinux:
 |> [...]
 |> It seems i have to boot my NetBSD 8 VM, it could be that the fix
 |> takes until tomorrow, thus.  (Very slow, dependent on how weird it
 |> is...)
 |I forgot to mention that I use s-nail with torify, but the same seems

You happen to use tor via *socks-proxy*?  That is pretty cool,
i still have not tried to use tor at all, even though i am
tracking the announcements and the source code (since "Import
v0.3.0.7, 2017-05-26", but the heck!, just cannot find any time).
I have tested *socks-proxy* only via ssh(1)...

 |to happen without it. Also it's not the same all the time: I reconnected
 |with `dhclient -r`, then the usual wpa_supplicant+dhclient thing, s-nail
 |just hanged after "G":

Yeah, as i wrote in the other mail, set *verbose* to see the
progress ticks.  I will change that and activate them in
interactive mode automatically.

 |Interrupting this operation may turn the DNS resolver unusable
 |^Cs-nail interrupted

Uh!!!  This is hard :).

 |There are new messages in the error [...]
 |ERROR# ? q
 |Held messages in [my inbox]
 |[1] Segmentation fault (core dumped) s-nail

I am very sorry Cág, but until v15 this codebase uses
siglongjmp(), and except for libjp(e???)g each and every library
i know will occasionally just break after such a longjmp.  There
is nothing that can be done here, but it is all my fault, i should
have set back in 2012 and refrain from working with the nail
codebase as such, instead i should have taken the OpenBSD Mail and
develop from there on, and all this signal mess would simply not
exist.  This is v15, with SysV signal handling.  Until then the
above can happen.  This is actually stated in the manual sections

 |Maybe make flags should be noted [shameless stolen from the APKBUILD]:
 |VAL_RANDOM="libgetrandom sysgetrandom urandom builtin"

Hmm.  Likely better to not use such things at all unless you want
a fixed configuration; NetBSD has arc4random:

 . VAL_RANDOM: arc4random(3) ... yes

but forcing usage of the system OpenSSL may be an option


Not to talk about the unscientific builtin arc4, but well,
needless, needless...

 |There are patches also used, I am attaching them, though they don't seem
 |to be related to the issue, and they don't exist in aports. Should I
 |remove them?

Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!  How could you apply them to v14.9.11????

I would nonetheless be interested in the NYD, i think i will try
and see what i can do to make this better on NetBSD.  That we
crash in non-network code after such an interruption, that is very
very bad!

 |Thanks, Steffen!

A nice weekend, Dohle!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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