Hi Steffen,

> > The usage of the Content-Length: tag would be very perfect
> mutt(1) updates these when it writes messages, too.  We actively strip
> them (except when *keep-content-length* is set, at least until v15, as
> documented), since we are not able to keep them up-to-date.  If others
> do too, they are not reliable.

I too have found the `Content-Length' header a pain over the years.
Something carried in from the less rigorous world of Usenet IIRC.  mbox
and email manipulators don't have to know about it and that means it
easily gets out of step with `From␣' headers, giving two different
versions of `truth'.

> I mean, if the data would start with a UTF-8 encoded Unicode BOM,

It would be nice to not see more of these enter existence.  :-)

> We could possibly extend our MIME classifier, and when we have seen
> multiple UTF-8 sequences after reading all the body, and if and only
> if the current locale is "C" a.k.a. and if *ttycharset* is
> n_iconv_name_is_ascii(), _then_ we could, instead of using the normal
> *charset-8bit*, go for UTF-8.

If the locale is `C', and it's valid ASCII then why not plump for 7-bit?
And if instead it's valid UTF-8 then it seems OK to declare it such as I
can't think of intended Latin1, say, that happens to be valid UTF-8,
e.g. not many want to write `£' and probably intended `£'.

Cheers, Ralph.

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