On 12/26/11 2:48 AM, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 11:52:00AM -0800, John H Palmieri wrote:
>>         I copied the latest version of TikZ / PGF (using a shared folder)
>>      to the VM and installed it. I was able to compile the .tex file using
>>      the VM's latex compiler and view the output .pdf from my host OS
>>      (Windows Vista) in the shared folder, but I could not get it to
>>      display in the notebook.
>>    Did you try my suggestion about using jsmath_avoid_list?
> An alternative is to force the use of pdflatex to produce the file:
>       view(C, engine="pdflatex")

I also seem to have some trouble with view.

sage: B = CrystalOfTableaux(['A',2],shape=[1])
sage: view(B, pdflatex=True, tightpage=True)

works fine. But the following code gives an error:

sage: ord = lambda x,y: y.dominates(x)
sage: P = Poset([Partitions(6), ord], facade=True)
sage: H = P.hasse_diagram()
sage: view(H, pdflatex=True, tightpage=True)
ERROR    No dimension data could be extracted from dot2tex.tex.
ERROR    Failed to preprocess the graph.
Is the preview LaTeX package installed? ((Debian package preview-latex-style)
To see what happened, run dot2tex with the --debug option.

ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (88, 0))

/Applications/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/misc/latex.pyc in 
view(objects, title, debug, sep, tiny, pdflatex, engine, viewer, tightpage, 
mode, **kwds)
   1884         else:
   1885             latex_options = {}
-> 1886         s = _latex_file_(objects, title=title, sep=sep, tiny=tiny, 
debug=debug, **latex_options)
   1887     # notebook
   1888     if EMBEDDED_MODE and viewer is None:

Has something changed (since this worked before)?



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