
Metaclasses are used in Sage in various ways, but so far there is no framework 
for it.
By consequence, it is not straight forward to combine the features provided by 

I have a proof of concept to improve the situation, and the question is whether 
I should
post it on a ticket and try to make a patch out of it. The latter would 
probably be much
work - that's why I first ask here whether you'd find it useful. Sorry for the 
long post.

For example, try to simultaneously derive a class from UniqueRepresentation 
ClasscallMetaclass) and Rings().parent_class (metaclass: DynamicMetaclass):

    sage: class Foo(UniqueRepresentation, Rings().parent_class): pass
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
        metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a 
(non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

Presumably it was for the same reason that ClasscallMetaclass is derived from
NestedClassMetaclass (although these two provide *independent* features),
and that a DynamicClasscallMetaclass was added to DynamicMetaclass.

My basic idea for a metaclass framework is: Use a meta-metaclass, that I'd call
"SageMetaclass". Then, e.g., type(UniqueRepresentation) is ClasscallMetaclass 
is currently the case), and type(ClasscallMetaclass) is SageMetaclass (which 
be new).

How can the additional meta-layer help?

The point is that new metaclasses (i.e., instances of SageMetaclass) can be 
dynamically. Hence, if you wish to derive a new class from UniqueRepresentation 
Rings().parent_class, the result would have a new *automatically created* 
ClasscallDynamicClassMetaclass. And if, in addition to that, the resulting class
shall support nested classes, then one can simply merge NestedClassMetaclass as 

For testing, in some module, I defined MyUniqueRepresentation (analogy to
UniqueRepresentation) and a nested class
    class MyNestedClass:
        __metaclass__ = NestedClass
        class Test:
            def bla(self):
                return 5

I also defined
    from sage.all import Parent
    MyParent = my_dynamic_class('MyParent', (Parent,), MyNestedClass.Test)

Hence, MyParent is similar to Rings().parent_class, where Rings.ParentMethods 
the role of MyNestedClass.Test in my example.

And then, I can do (in the module)
    class MyUniqueParent(MyUniqueRepresentation, MyParent):
        def __init__(self, a,b):
            self._data = a,b
        def _repr_(self):
            return repr(self._data)

    class MyOtherUniqueParent(MyUniqueRepresentation, MyParent):
        # Here we have the combination "classcall dynamic nested"!
        __metaclass__ = NestedClass
        def __init__(self, a,b,c):
            self._data = a,b,c
        def _repr_(self):
            return repr(self._data)
        class Test2:
            def foo(self):
                return 6

and finally in a Sage session (after importing stuff):

  sage: from metatest import *
  sage: a = MyUniqueParent(1,2)
  sage: a
  (1, 2)
  sage: a.bla() # inherited from MyParent
  sage: a is loads(dumps(a))  # inherited from MyUniqueRepresentation
  sage: a is MyUniqueParent(1,2)


  sage: b = MyOtherUniqueParent(1,2,3)
  sage: t = b.Test2()
  sage: t.foo()
  sage: b.bla()
  sage: loads(dumps(t)).foo()  # nesting works!

Here you can see the hierarchy of metaclasses. Note that
ClasscallDynamicClassNestedClassMetaclass is automatically
created (and is an instance of a dynamic version of

  sage: type(b)
  <class 'metatest.MyOtherUniqueParent'>
  sage: type(type(b))
  sage: type(type(type(b)))
  <class 'metatest.DynamicSageMetaclass'>
  sage: type(type(type(b))).__base__
  <class 'metatest.SageMetaclass'>

Do you think this could be useful?

Best regards,

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