> Under the way I've implemented this, the
> action on the list [1,...,n] is trivially
> isomorphic to the group structure.  You
> seem to be using a left-action which

I am using a left action.

> doesn't really go well with the notation g(l).

If g and h are in a group and you use the
notation g(x) to denote the action of g on
x then you had better be talking about a left
action, since

    g(h(x)) = (g*h)(x)

If you want to use a right action then you have
to use the notation x^g, so then

    (x^g)^h = x^(g*h).

> If you still disagree, I suggest backing out the patch and > waiting for 
> Jason Grout, who requested the feature, to
> clarify his intent.

That would be good.  His intent is inclear, since
he gives no unambiguous example.

> (OTOH, backing it out isn't really
> necessary -- the patch only adds functionality)

Adding incorrect functionality isn't good.
(Again, I'm not sure I'm right here -- I'm just
very uncomfortable by instinct.)

 -- William

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