
Le mercredi 24 août 2022 à 02:18:06 UTC+2, Travis Scrimshaw a écrit :

> In general, I think we are best leaving the drawing classes to just 
> drawing as a separations-of-concerns. 

IMHO, line2d and line3d should not be considered as mathematical objects 
(segmented lines in some Euclidean space), but rather as pure graphical 

> It sounds like we need better integration between our algebraic 
> objects/implementations and the drawing/plotting tools. This might include 
> more plot_* functions or specialized mixin-/sub-classes for small 
> dimensional (sub)spaces. Likewise we might want to add some general tools 
> for inner product spaces, such as "ind_closest_point() or 
> shortest_distance(), with an assumption of course that we can do calculus 
> on the vector space.


> As an alternative, if we want to think of objects specifically living in 
> Euclidean space, we have the EuclideanSpace(n) for this with specialized 
> subclasses for 2d and 3d. Perhaps we should implement some of the features 
> you want using objects there, such as line (segment) as a subclass of the 
> curve? For piecewise differentiable curves, this might require some more 
> programming.
> Éric, what do you think about adding such things to SageManifolds? Could 
> this be feasible?
This certainly should be feasible. As you point out, one should introduce a 
subclass of curves for segmented lines in Eudlidean spaces and define a 
length() method for them. More generally, one should introduce a length() 
method for any piecewise differentiable curve in a pseudo-Riemannian 
manifold. This is not implemented yet and certainly should be added to the 
todo list. 

Best regards, 


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