On Jun 4, 9:30 pm, Francois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 5, 1:10 am, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > gmp_aux.h exists without the tuning, but I am not sure why we skip the
> > tuning on Solaris. I will certainly see if I cannot reactivate that.
> > As I mentioned in the other email when you use a csh as login shell
> > the current build does not work. I believe it is due to some scripts
> > being called from the makefile as
> >   sh foo
> > while foo does not have a shebang. Then things seem to also go bad on
> > Linux for example, so this is not a Solaris specific problem, but
> > shell related. I have build the NTL.spkg numerous times on Solaris
> > with either a sh or bash login shell, so it does work some times ;)

Hi Francois,

> Could be a contributin factor.

Probably since I have had it reported to me off list on a Linux box.

> However before the mfile patch from
> Tim and I, the call to "make lib" was calling "make setup1" to "make
> setup3"
> a behavior we didn't reproduce in our target. So if you have an older
> sage
> setup3 would be called anyway but not in a recent one.
> I also checked the spkg (and the upstream tarball) gmp_aux.h is
> definitely not there.
> Technically the tunning is setup4 so yes it would exist without the
> tunning :)
> In retrospect we should probably should have included some
> of those make setup calls in our patch.

I am 100% certain that the NTL.spkg as is can be build on Solaris
because I have build this spkg and its predecessors dozens of times on
Solaris 9 and 10 in all kinds of configurations. Obviously there is a
bug or two in here, but it isn't the setup routines that are at fault

> Francois


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