> All persistant user data, including worksheeds, should be stored in the 
> ~/.sage
> directory (unless specifically specified otherwise). I'm not sure why you
> have stuff in ~/sage_notebook (unless it's from a really old copy of
> Sage), but you if you copy ~/.sage from your old vmware image (or
> computer) to the new one, everything should be there. That's probably
> the easiest way to do it (for now). Have you tried that?
> - Robert

Sorry, I thought it had mentioned that the second issue was just on my
computer, which is a locally compiled 3.0.6 on PPC Tiger.  Yes, I did
once upon a time have a very old version of Sage, so that's why I have
~/sage_notebook at all.  But what is odd is that I've never asked the
notebook to go to a different place, yet for some reason it is
accessing two different locations.  The worksheet admin/2 is
definitely the one in sage_notebook, any admin/x for x>5 is definitely
in .sage (since there is no admin/x for x>5 in sage_notebook).  I will
check this again tomorrow if I get a chance, because it seemed very
bizarre to me too.  It doesn't cause any problems (other than not
Trashing, etc., which is universal), but it still gives me pause.

- kcrisman
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