On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Jason Grout
<jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> Tom Boothby wrote:
>> Working with the limited tools at my disposal (this will all go away
>> with BeSpin, if they know what they're doing), I introduce a hotkey
>> which finds the first open paren / brace / bracket and closes it at
>> your current cursor location:
>> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3646
>> This is *almost* done.  For some reason, I didn't see J. Palmieri's
>> most recent reply until now, but there's a very easy fix.
>> The problem with your suggestion is that highlighting something in a
>> cell is rather difficult since we use textareas and not franken-divs
>> as you see in the WSYIWYG html editors.  We've tried to use a few of
>> those, but they have way too much CPU / RAM overhead.  We played with
>> the emacs (?) style where the cursor jumps to the paren for  a
>> half-second or so, but this was rife with problems, too.
>> \
> What about changing it for half a second or so to some character, like
> &?  In a sense, think of it as highlighting.  So when you cursor over a
> closing parenthesis, the opening one changes briefly to an & to let you
> know where it is.
> This might be a horrible idea---I'm just throwing it out there in the
> interest of brainstorming.

My first interpretation of the idea was "oh that's terrible", but on
re-reading, it might be OK.  That said, I *really* hate things that
interrupt the flow of typing.  AFAIK, console apps get around this by
buffering the input, and crapping it out all at once after the
highlighting is done -- this is much harder in the browser where we
don't have explicit control over every key.

> That said, I would *really* like to eventually support the
> "franken-divs".  That would open up lots and lots of possibilities.  I
> know we've tried various content-editable divs for text cells
> unsuccessfully.  Maybe our own very-lightweight solution would be best.
> How do you see BeSpin changing things?  Isn't that pretty heavy-weight?

I was hoping that since it's done by mozilla devs, that it would be
lightweight enough for us to use.

> Jason
> >

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