On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 1:29 AM, David Kirkby <david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
> On 26 February 2011 06:52, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 3:16 AM, David Kirkby <david.kir...@onetel.net> 
>> wrote:
>>> As for the issue I raised as support contracts, then the following
>>> might be a method which would not irritate anyone, so has almost zero
>>> probability of losing any Sage developers. Use the money only to
>>> 1) Pay for extra hardware. I don't know if you have UPSs, but that
>>> would increase the uptime.
>> I have UPS's.    It's important to note that purchasing hardware has a
>> lot of overhead, e.g., support staff, electricity, space, air
>> conditioning, etc.
> True, though to be honest I don't see this making a huge amount of money.

Making money?    Your sentence does not make sense.

It's more complicated than just money though...  I can't add any
hardware to "my" server room without carefully taking into accounts
the rest of the math and CS departments usage, etc.   It's just
something to keep in mind.

>>> 2) Pay for advertising Sage in maths journals, New Scientist, or if
>>> deemed appropriate, anywhere where the 4 M's are advertised.
>> a) Can somebody do some research on the actual costs of doing this?
> I sent an email to New Scientist asking for the prices for a full
> page. 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8th page, and also what could be bought for $75
> (if anything) and $400. (I doubt you would get anything of use in
> paper for $75, but you might get online advertising)
> I'll let you know if I get some prices. I did state it was
> free/open-source with a link to the Sage web page. It might be cheaper
> than full commercial rates - I have no idea.

Many thanks!

>> b) Is 2) something that will annoy anybody reading this?  I could see
>> somebody being annoyed that valuable Sage money is being spent on
>> advertising.   (I personally think advertising is a good idea.)
> I think it is less likely to irritate than seeing it to go one individual.
> I find it hard to see how someone could be annoyed the fact you are
> trying to promote via paid advertising what they work on.
> Personally I think it would be great if one could see Sage when one
> did a search for Mathematica. Would anyone seriously object to that?

I think it would be great.  Actually, I just searched for
"mathematica" in google and two of the hits on the first page are for
Sage, which is cool.

>>> 3) Pay for targeted advertisements on Google - Mathematica, MATLAB,
>>> Maple might be nice keywords.
>> Can somebody do some research on the actual costs of doing this?
> I had a quick look on Google. To set up an adwords account there is a
> fee of $5.00. The minimum cost/click is $0.01. You can use a pre-pay
> system, with a minimum cost of $10.00. So it seems if you sold a
> contract, you could do something with the $75 (per incident) and $400
> (per year).

That sounds worth it.

>>> Do *not* pay any individual Sage developer or a mathematician to work
>>> on some aspect of Sage, as that could potentially cause a bit of bad
>>> feeling.
>> Since many individual Sage developers have been paid to work on
>> aspects of Sage over the years, I'm curious whether this has actually
>> caused bad feelings.
>> (Anonymous offlist responses are fine.)
> It certainly has the potential to do so.
> I doubt it would be an issue if you paid a temporary secretary to do
> some work for Sage if that was felt needed. But when one developer
> gets paid, and another does not,  you have the potential to cause bad
> feeling, which is the last thing you want to do. That's why I think
> things like advertising will be less likely to irritate anyone.
>>> One could sink an endless amount of money into advertising.
>>> Make the "accounts" public. State the number of contracts sold
>>> (obviously not to who), and disclose how the money has been spent - X
>>> to Google, Y for hard disks, Z for UPS's etc.
>> This sounds nice in theory, but it has to be balanced with it being
>> precisely what customers sometimes don't want.   There is little
>> advantage to them to having how they spend their money publicized; it
>> might help their competitors.
> You should *never* disclose who the customers are. Nobody needs to
> know if Airbus, the Red Cross or anyone else buys a contract. Just "I
> sold an annual contract for $400" or something like that. Given this,
> I see no reason the way money is spent could be an issue.
> (Perhaps some might be concerned if the contract was sold to  Colonel
> Gaddafi, and them asked to support him, so perhaps you should draw the
> line at that point, and refuse to sell a contract")
>>> Personally, I don't feel the amount of money raised would be huge. But
>>> the fact commercial support was available, could make Sage more
>>> attractive to commercial customers.
>> It's a fact that the numerical/engineering aspects of Sage already
>> have commercial support from Enthought (in the US, and other companies
>> elsewhere, e.g., in France), and I've heard they are currently doing
>> very well.
> I do find it hard to believe you are going to attract a lot of
> customers - at least in the next few years. I don't know how many
> commercial users there are now, but I suspect not too many. I think
> there's too much emphasis on maths, and not enough on engineering
> applications for now. So I suspect you will find the number of
> industrial users is quite small. But it makes it easier for someone to
> get their employer to use Sage if they can say "its free, but we can
> get confidential support at reasonable rates if we need it".
> Support can be a big issue in companies.
> There are lots of companies offering support on R, but that does not
> mean a lot of R users are going to switch to Sage.
>>> I believe if the money was not payed to any individual developer, then
>>> other developers would not mind providing the support for no cost.
>>> (Count me as one).
>>>>  * I'm curious if something like sagenb.org, but with Google ads,
>>>> would be offensive.   I could see somebody starting a small business
>>>> that is just public notebook servers that also have ads.
>>> Personally I have no objection. Even a "Paypal donate" button might be
>>> a good idea.
>> I have to plug that we have a "donate" button already:
>> htt[s://www.washington.edu/giving/make-a-gift?page=make&Code=MATSAG
> I mean if it on the main Sage server at
> http://www.sagemath.org/

There is a link from sagemath.org to the above.    It is in the middle
on the bottom.  Maybe it should be biger.

> (which reminds me. Yesterday this was down with a message about

What is "this"?

> maintenance or similar - some sort of server was clearly running. It
> looked like Apache to me. In which case, why not have a message on the
> page directing people to other servers like
> http://t2nb.math.washington.edu:8080/ ?)
>> Our might even be way better than a paypal donate button, because
>> every donor gets a signed letter from University of Washington stating
>> that their contribution is tax deductible.    This won't matter for
>> you (since you're in England), but for people in the US it's a
>> potentially big deal.
>>  -- William
> In that case have a "Donate" button on http://www.sagemath.org/ which
> does the same thing - offers to make it tax-free. Also, when I had a
> donate button on a web page of mine to recover the hosting fees, I
> found one donation of $6, which is below the limit on your site. Other
> donations for http://www.g8wrb.org/ where higher.
> PS, do you like this page
> http://www.g8wrb.org/mathematica/

:-)  I definitely like the title!

> Dave
> Dave
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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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