On Sat, 2011-02-26 at 20:09 -0800, Nils Bruin wrote:
> On Feb 25, 10:52 pm, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > 2) Pay for advertising Sage in maths journals, New Scientist, or if
> > > deemed appropriate, anywhere where the 4 M's are advertised.
> >
> > b) Is 2) something that will annoy anybody reading this?  I could see
> > somebody being annoyed that valuable Sage money is being spent on
> > advertising.   (I personally think advertising is a good idea.)
> Do you have good reasons for thinking that? Not that you need them or
> need to share them. I am just wondering.
> I would personally like to see sage develop into a platform that I can
> use for my research needs. When I look at other programs that fit in
> that category (magma, kant/kash, pari, singular, gap, python, gcc), I
> notice that none of those feel the need to advertise. Is there
> something that sage might gain from advertising that those other
> programs wouldn't? Are those other projects missing opportunities?

Well, "missing opportunities" has a lot to do with project goals.

If you are advertising, what is it you are advertising? Are you 
trying to get more developers? Why not use sourceforge, etc to 
post help requests? Are you trying to get more users? Why not use
a direct phone/mail campaign to your likely targets, which for Sage
would be other schools and peers at other schools. A table at the
math conferences is a great idea and you should continue that.

If you are advertising to attract money then what would your ad
copy be about? Money only goes where it can grow. Why would someone
invest in Sage if it is not already a commercial entity? I am a
little unclear about the financial growth potential of any open
source computational mathematics package. What is the business
plan? What is the elevator pitch? What are the 3 year payback
goals? Is it 1) advertise 2)... 3) profit!

If you are advertising to attract attention then Google might not
be the best place. Most universities probably already have MMA and
Maple so professors and students know about them. If they are using
these tools in class they are probably already aware of what is
available. I know that when I taught, say compilers, I reviewed
pretty much every compiler textbook I could find. I doubt that
a professor is going to be swayed by a Google ad. I could be wrong
in an individual instance but less likely to be wrong in the general

Are you advertising to a particular niche market? For instance,
Mathcad is very engineering oriented and has a lot of special
purpose packages such as a way to get GPIB data off your spiffy
HP equipment. Lab guys love it and will pay for this ability.
Sage has no GPIB support.

Some projects, like Axiom, are not "missing opportunities" since
there is nothing about the project goals that would make a Google
ad relevant. What Sage project goals require ads? Is Sage really
ready to compete head-to-head with MMA and Maple? Would Sage know
what to do with ten thousand end-users (students) demanding support?

Personally I would love to see Sage "win big" because I fear the
"dark ages" that will occur when MMA and Maple disappear. You
might not think this could happen but how many companies do you
know that are 50 years old? And what ever happened to Macsyma
(Symbolics died but you can still buy it for DOS). What about
Derive? (TI bought it, rewrote it into C++ but refused to release
the original Lisp code to me). Reduce? (Tony Hearn released the
code as open source but I don't know who is maintaining it).

Axiom was one of "the commercial big three" with MMA and Maple.
When MMA and Maple (recently bought by a company in Japan) go 
under where will computational mathematics be? Will MMA and Maple
become open source? Who will maintain them? Who but the original
authors could understand their internals? What happens to all
of those thousands of algorithms?

So I hope that you advertise well. I hope you start a company.
I hope you all get rich and famous. But I also think that there
needs to be a bit more thought about exactly what it is you
would advertise and what you are trying to achieve by it.

Tim Daly

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