I'm willing to donate £30.00 ($48) of my own money to target
Mathematica, so when people search for it, they get ads for Sage on
Google. That might not be enough to make any impact, but it's worth a

1) First, does anyone object to me doing this, or have any opinions
why its a bad idea?
2) Secondly, would anyone object if William donated some money from
Sage donations or other sources of income? I'm not suggesting William
should do that, but he did  wonder on another thread (Support
contracts for commercial customers)  if people might object to money
being spent on advertising.

Next question, how does one target languages and regions? According to
Google trends, taking only the last 12 months


for search terms,

1) The most common search region is Greece
2) The most common search city is Cambridge, MA, USA.
3) The most common search language is Greek

I must admit, the first and third surprise me a bit.

One thing that I did consider is that in some countries, where
software piracy is very common, the idea of saving money by using Sage
rather than Mathematica might not be much incentive.

I've no idea of the accuracy of this data, but


ranks Armenia as the #1 country for piracy at 93%, Greece at #60 with
58%, the UK (where I live) at #27 with 26% and the USA at #107 with
20%. I can well believe 26% in the UK, as that figure probably
includes games, but I think it will be a lot lower for professional
software like Mathematica.

One can either pay for a click or pay by the number of ads seen.

Any thoughts on the best way to target this? Take a look at
http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/adwords/jumpstart/09Q3-new.html to see
the options. Creating the account is free, though there's a $5 one-off
fee for actually taking out the ads. You can read a lot more, and
experiment with keywords once you have an account.

I suspect it needs more than £30 ($48) to make any serious impact, but
it would be interesting to see what happens.


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