On 02/26/11 09:33 PM, kcrisman wrote:

I'm fine with spending a bit of money on advertising, but it does seem
odd to me to particularly single out a competitor. Terms like "math
software" could be useful.

"maths software" seems less useful to me. Sage is already #5 on Google if you search for that. Hardly worth paying money to advertise if you are already #5.

In contrast, when searching for "Mathematica", the first hit with Sage in the name is around #50, which is a comparison of "Mathematica vs Sage" - one where the author clearly considers Mathematica much better.


However, there are sponsored ads for both Maple & Mathcad if one searches for Mathematica. (I had to use Mathcad when working at Marconi, and hated it. Thankfully I had Mathematica at home and could connect via ssh to it, rather than use Mathcad)

I have set this up, and paid £30.00. Set for English, French and German languages, and world wide coverage. It will take a bit of time for the payment to be processed, and since I've set this as "personal" rather than "business", it has to be approved by Google first.

It should generate 2-4 hits/day and should run for about 30 days, as I've put an approximate maximum spend of £1.00/day. (The actual spend can be a little higher or lower than this).

> Yes.  Though I suppose in theory Dave can spend his pounds any way he
> wishes :)

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?


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