On Mar 3, 1:25 pm, mmarco <mma...@unizar.es> wrote:
> I have been trying to build a proof of concept of a class that would
> handle the geogebra integration in the worksheet.
> My basic idea was to have a .show() method that would create the
> applet itself, and then define some methods that use the javascript
> api of geogebra to create new objects in the applet, modify the
> existing ones, read their properties, etc.

There was a lot of work done earlier by Geogebra in separating the GPL
and non-GPL pieces so that this would be possible (i.e., that Geogebra
could even become a component of Sage if one wanted), and I thought
that at that time someone did a proof-of-concept of the interaction
between the two working.  Maybe
is all

That is unfortunate that it's not working for you, but I urge you to
keep trying, as this would be very valuable overall.  See for instance
http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7489 and http://wiki.sagemath.org/Tips

- kcrisman

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