
On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 07:27:38PM +0100, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 06:58:00PM +0100, Thierry wrote:
> > No, there is no consensus at all. It is not because a few people are going
> > round on some naming issue that all other issues are settled (not even
> > that particular issue either).
> I am not saying that it suffices to change the name. 

OK, sorry if i misunderstood, you seemed to support a vote about that
(even proposing a third alternative name) since your message was:

On 28/11/2014 18:00, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 06:08:47AM -0800, Jakob Kroeker wrote:
>>    Question 1: who of the initial 'yes' voters would insist to keep the
>>    term 'code of conduct'
>>    Question 2: who of the initial 'No' voters would accept the term
>>    'guidelines' instead with content as is
>>    Question 3: who would accept the term 'guidelines' and also insist
>>    on
>>    changing the content of the behaviour guidelines
> Ah, thanks for running this poll! I have been meaning to do it, but
> did not get the time; it indeed feels like that the discussion is
> going in round when there is a rather clear consensus emerging.
> As I said earlier, I'd be very fine with guidelines, or any variant
> that would not make our friends uncomfortable because of a potential
> confusion with law. Etiquette (sagiquette?) is quite fine too as it
> relates to well established traditions on the net; not only because
> it's french :-)
> I have no strong opinion on the specific content.

If you consider that more serious problem were pointed by various people
and that there are not settled, then we agree, and this was my main point

> Yet from all I heard in the previous discussion I don't foresee any
> strong obstacle on building a consensus on *some* document.

Some people were opposed to the existence of such a text (i was not in the
absolute, see the beginning of my first e-mail), and this should be
acknowledged, even if those people did not insist (there are still
interesting bits in there).

> Yes there is no rush. Yes this will take some time.

OK, so why supporting another vote right now ?

> Now given that you seem to know so well how things shall be done [1],
> please take the lead. 

Well, i precisely would like no one to take the lead (nor a small subgroup
as just happened). For me the correct way is the way we will decide
together. Of course i will participate to such discussion, but i do not
plan to impose anything, this would be inconsistent.


> I trust you. I trust
> you'll do a great job [2].
> Cheers,
>                               Nicolas
> [1] Yes, I am kindly teasing you a bit here :-)
>     Tes grands airs de ces derniers temps m'ont un peu agacé ...

Si tu veux faire une remarque (pas particulierement "kindly") en francais
sur une mailing-liste comme si c'etait un message prive, tu connais mon
adresse mail (non, je ne me refererai pas au code de conduite). Ceci-dit,
ca tombe bien, c'etait le but. Pour info, devoir tirer l'alarme comme je
l'ai fait n'est pas agreable et n'amene que des ennemis (la preuve?), il
m'aurait ete plus facile de rester au chaud quand les tuiles volent bas.

> [2] I am very serious here.
> --
> Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>
> http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/
> -- 
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