On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 12:32:20 PM UTC-4, leif wrote:
> On 04/19/2015 05:41 PM, Nathann Cohen wrote: 
> >> I often have a look at positively reviewed tickets and sometimes ask 
> >> questions about the review. Positive review just mean that one person 
> agreed 
> >> that the changes were good to be integrated. But it might still 
> interest 
> >> other to have a look (or even the reviewer might think of something in 
> the 
> >> morning after setting the day before 'positive review'). So I would 
> prefer a 
> >> stand by period between the 'positive review' and the 'closed' (= 
> currently 
> >> testing if it merges cleanly). One week looks reasonable to me. And it 
> >> should not be hard to script. 
> > It is true that several persons requested that tickets should stay in 
> > positive review for a while before being merged. On the other hand, if 
> > merging them becomes fully automatic, then changing something is 
> > really immediate and perhaps we will end up creating more tickets. 
> Yep, with all consequences. 
> It would IMHO be much more sensible to use the "Merged in" field (which 
> Volker likes very much, I know), indicating that the branch has 
> currently been merged into the next, not yet released, version.  (No 
> need to change that field later, upon closing the ticket, if everything 
> went well.) 
> That way, anybody would (or should) know that he/she must not change the 
> ticket's branch, but it would also easily be possible to revert the 
> ticket's state into "needs work", in case other reviewers (or the 
> original one(s)) happen to find further issues directly related to the 
> ticket's changes (as opposed to desirable changes for a follow-up). 

Yes, this seems reasonable.  Keeping a proliferation of tickets is good, 
having a way for the release manager to let everyone know that the ticket 
is being "tested" is also good, making the release manager's job not 
annoying is good.

By the way, I would be very against completely automated merging.  The 
release manager (as a human) is a last line of defense against scurrilous 
tickets/branches/changes to Sage.  Otherwise it's too easy for a 
write/review team of two to put in a whole bunch of stuff that maybe isn't 
following convention (minor) or actively making Sage bad (major).  I'm not 
defining those things, but just pointing out that having a "real person" 
who has been working with the project quite a while verifying that the 
changes could be relevant and useful is a good thing; otherwise we don't 
have a "commit group" like some projects, but essentially any pair of 
people becomes a committer.  In practice that isn't a huge problem, but 
it's still worth having that role, very much so - and not just for testing 
for doctest errors, which could themselves be in error ;)

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