> I deleted it as flame bait.   I'm sick of people using sage-devel as a 
> forum to attack others

I'm sick of it too. But this kind of unilateral actions only fuels the 
flame, it does not extinguish it.

Especially given your position as a CEO of a for profit company, William. 
Even though you do not have the power to do the same with Sage as what just 
happened with MariaDB, the community is entitled with a legitimate 
(unfounded, I believe) fear of SageMath Inc. trying to do something similar 
at some point. This kind of unilateral censorship, although well 
intentioned, can only spark more of those flames.

Any long lived community on the net has moderators, be they elected or 
co-opted. No one moderator takes this kind of decisions alone. Can we try, 
once again, to start a process to become a well behaved community? There is 
no shortage of very good examples of well behaved, long lived, FOSS 
communities. Think Debian, think Software carpentry, ...


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