I have experience with Xen.
Can set up a virtual machine for Sage.
It's not that difficult anyway.


William Stein wrote:
> Jason Grout wrote:
>> William Stein wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> A security researcher decided to purposely take down sage.math to 
>>> demonstrate that it is possible to fork bomb the machine through the 
>>> public sage notebook servers.   I had always plan to run these comletley 
>>> public servers until something like this happened.  Therefore, 
>>> sagenb.org (and the other public sage notebook servers I host) will be 
>>> completely disable until further notice.
>>> I might re-enable them in the future if I set them up from scratch
>>> using a vmware virtual machine and vmware server.  Given that I've never 
>>> successfully configured vmware server on any Linux box, I don't know 
>>> when this will happen.   If a Sage developer would like to attempt to do 
>>> this instead of me on sage.math please contact me, since this is not
>>> currently my highest priority (especially, because I'm in France 
>>> traveling right now).
>> If this is a final decision, at least for the short term, can we pull 
>> the links from the sage website and put some explanatory text up?
> Yes, this is a shortterm final decision.  I always planned to run the
> public servers as is until some script kiddie $%%#$^% etc.   I assume
> Harald Schilly will fix the website.
> Note that as I say above, this "final decision" really is "short term", 
> i.e., probably 2-3 weeks.  vmware is perfect for this application.
> William
> > 

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