On 19 Apr 2009, at 06:54, dpvc wrote:

> I do not think it is a jsMath bug.  If I understand you, by "works
> correctly" you mean that Firefox doesn't show the font warning message
> (while IE7 does, which you consider not working correctly).  You have
> tried several means of installing the jsMath image fonts as a solution
> to this problem.

By works correctly, I mean that Firefox displays the nicely rendered  
equations, while IE only displays raw latex code.

> The jsMath font warning message actually has nothing to do with
> whether the image fonts are installed or not.  It has to do with
> whether the user who is reading your page has the jsMath TTF fonts
> installed on their computer or not.  If they don't, the message will
> appear and jsMath will fall back on the image fonts. (If you don't
> have the image fonts installed, then jsMath would report the infamous
> -7 error during startup).

For some reason, the fall back to image fonts is not working for me,  
using my sage server on OS X, and viewing the worksheet on a PC  
running IE7.  I don't know if there is a problem with the image font  
installation in sage, a jsMath problem, or an IE problem.  But, as  
long as Firefox will work, I am happy, and feel no need to spend more  
time on this issue.  But, if you think there could be a jsMath bug  
that you want to investigate, I would be happy to help out.

> It turns out that jsMath used to use a different set of TTF fonts that
> where created by BaKoMa for use with TeX installations, but they ended
> up being problematic, so I made jsMath-specific TTF fonts to get
> around those problems.  Under some circumstances, however, jsMath can
> still make use of the older BaKoMa fonts, and so if these are
> available, it will use them rather than the image fonts.  That is
> probably what is happening for your Firefox, as the BaKoMa fonts are
> used by Firefox as part of its MathML implementation, so you probably
> have them for that, whereas your IE7 users don't have them installed.
> (I'm not sure what fonts the MathPlayer plugin for MathML in IE
> requires.)

Thanks for the explanation.

> On Apr 18, 7:48 pm, Jason Grout <jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
>> Kevin Horton wrote:
>>> I have made some progress in that I discovered that Firefox 3 works
>>> correctly on my work PC.  It is only IE 7 that has the problems.  I
>>> can live with this, so I will not invest any more time on this  
>>> issue,
>>> unless someone wants my assistance to try to beat this bug to death.
>> This sounds like it might be a jsmath bug.  Davide (the author) at  
>> least
>> occasionally reads this list.  He might ask for more details, or he
>> might already know what is going on.
>> I am curious, though: when you click on the jsmath icon in the lower
>> right, a panel pops up and says what types of fonts jsmath is  
>> using.  Is
>> it using the image fonts?
>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>> Jason
> >

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