Hi Nasser,

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Nasser Abbasi <n...@12000.org> wrote:
> Hello;
> It is a bit annoying having to hit 2 keys (i.e. reach out and use both
> hands) each time in order to evaluate a cell in sage notebook.
> I am using windows, and I have to hit SHIFT-ENTER, or SHIFT-RETURN, or
> I could use the mouse, point it to the little 'evaluate' link below
> the cell, which is also annoying.
> But it would be much easier to have ONE key.  In Maple, the RETURN key
> will cause evaluation, and in Mathematica the ENTER key.

That statement about Mathematica is very strange to me. With an
install of Mathematica 6 out of the box and not fiddling with
anything, I have to use Shift-ENTER or Shift-RETURN to evaluate in the
worksheet. But I assume that you've done some fiddling with your
Mathematica settings to get it just evaluate upon hitting ENTER or

> Can one tell sage to use the ENTER key only (without the shift) to
> cause cell to evaluate? and have the RETURN key just starts a new line
> (i.e. as in Mathematica).

But ENTER _and_ RETURN are one and the same key on my keyboard.

> May be with some options or some
> configuration setting somewhere?
> I think Mathematica got it right here. In Maple, to start a new line
> and not cause evaluation, one hits SHIFT-RETURN
> (again, this is using the notebook interface, i.e. via the browser
> interface).

But I think this would result in more key strokes. I usually have
multiple lines of Sage code in a Notebook cell before I actually
evaluate them. With what you're suggesting, I would have to press
Shift-RETURN or Shift-ENTER to get a new line in the cell without
evaluation. I think this would annoy you as well if you do want
multiple lines in a cell. Or do you always have a single line of Sage
code in a cell and then evaluate it?

Minh Van Nguyen

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