On 21 Apr 2009, at 10:23, Jason Grout wrote:

> Nasser Abbasi wrote:
>> Hello;
>> It is a bit annoying having to hit 2 keys (i.e. reach out and use  
>> both
>> hands) each time in order to evaluate a cell in sage notebook.
>> I am using windows, and I have to hit SHIFT-ENTER, or SHIFT-RETURN,  
>> or
>> I could use the mouse, point it to the little 'evaluate' link below
>> the cell, which is also annoying.
>> But it would be much easier to have ONE key.  In Maple, the RETURN  
>> key
>> will cause evaluation, and in Mathematica the ENTER key.
>> Can one tell sage to use the ENTER key only (without the shift) to
>> cause cell to evaluate? and have the RETURN key just starts a new  
>> line
>> (i.e. as in Mathematica). May be with some options or some
>> configuration setting somewhere?
>> I think Mathematica got it right here. In Maple, to start a new line
>> and not cause evaluation, one hits SHIFT-RETURN
> I think that's reasonable.  I've run into at least one other MMA user
> that consistently uses the Mac enter key to evaluate expressions in  
> MMA,
> and wishes Sage would do the same.
> How many people here press enter (on the mac keyboard, say) to get a  
> new
> line?  If not many do or no one does, I think it'd be great to change
> the notebook so that enter evaluated the cell.

No single change will keep all, or even most, users happy.  On my Mac  
laptop, for example, Enter and Return are on the same key.  If I want  
Enter, I must also press the 'fn' key, way on the far left of the  
keyboard, which makes it a two-handed manoeuvre.  But Shift-Return is  
an easy one-handed manoeuvre for me, on my keyboard.

Whatever change is made, it should probably be easily configurable, to  
cater for people with different needs, different keyboard layouts,  
etc.  The current behaviour should probably remain the default, to  
avoid great howls of pain from users who have grown accustomed to it.

Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada

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