Thanks, William.  I'll check that out.

Also, for those interested in the bug i reported, i'd like to rephrase
the description of my situation, because i stated it a little
confusingly above.  Take two.  I have a big symbolic expression E
involving lots of derivatives.  I want to replace the derivatives with
symbolic expressions/numbers.  Naturally, i'd like to perform the
substitution with a dictionary D whose keys are the derivatives and
whose values are the corresponding expressions/numbers.  That is, i
want to build D and do E.subs(D).  Unfortunately, building D fails in
Sage 4.2.1 when the keys are derivatives of trivariate (and possibly n-
variate with n>3) functions.  (I guess Burcin is getting ready to work
his Sage-fu on this symbolics bug ;-) )

One workaround, suggested by William, is to convert E to a string,
build D with keys the string versions of the derivatives, perform the
substitution as strings, and then convert E back to a symbolic
expression.  I'm trying this now ---well, not right now, because it's
the weekend in New Zealand.  However, if anyone out there can think of
a simpler temporary workaround, please let me know.

Thanks again.

On Nov 20, 7:17 pm, William Stein <> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 7:45 PM, Alex Raichev <> wrote:
> > Thanks for the workaround, William.  I was thinking the same thing as
> > a temporary fix but am having difficulties with that approach.
> > Here's my situation.  I have a big symbolic expression E involving
> > lots of derivatives.  I want to substitute the derivatives with other
> > symbolic expressions, and the substitutions are stored in a big
> > dictionary D.  Presently E.subs(D) does not work in Sage.
> > I tried a keyword substitution instead, but got the error
> > 'SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression (<ipython console>, line
> > 1)'
> > Another approach is to convert E and the keys of D to strings, perform
> > the substitution as strings, and then convert E back to a symbolic
> > expression.  I'm trying this now but am getting stuck with the string
> > substitution step...
> > If anyone out there can think of a simpler temporary workaround,
> > please let me know.
> If you're using strings, you might find this useful:
>    sage: sage.misc.multireplace.multiple_replace?
> William

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