On Jun 25, 8:44 pm, "S. Robert James" <srobertja...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  But
> I'd like to know how it simplified it.  Is there anyway to have Sage
> "show it's work"?  

The first issue might be that the way how the algorithm works doesn't
match how it is done in reality by hand. The correct way to check this
step by step is using a debugger. This means the code of the program
is executed line by line and you can step into functions whenever they
are called. At each step you can see all the variables and inspect the
currently alive objects. Concerning this particular problem, you only
come as far as Sage is interfacing with another software (i think it
is maxima in this case). To see the details what maxima does you need
to start maxima in a debugger too, execute an initialization script
(that's what Sage does at first), pass over the same codelines that
Sage sends and look what Maxima's code is doing there. For Sage it's
the python debugger, for Maxima I don't know.


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