On Sat, 21 Aug 2010 19:12:49 -0700 (PDT), kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sysadmin has found possible workaround of deleting history of the
> browser.  This is fine in a lab, but potentially very crippling for
> those of us who rely on auto-completion of often-visited sites.
> Sysadmin is also very unlikely to try 4.5.2 VMWare image after recent
> reports of it not being so hot, though I think those may have been
> exaggerated - and anyhow he has a lot to do with the start of classes.

I'd say the only way you will know whether 4.5.2 works for you is to try
it out.  The vmware image gets downloaded *a lot* (200 times in the
first 5 days), and as far as I know there were only two problems
reported with it:
* unable to access the notebook from the host machine on Windows
  (this works for me on Mac OS X, and I don't have a Windows machine to
  test on -- someone suggested a workaround on the list but we haven't
  heard the original poster confirm that it fixed his problem)
* request for having R installed with image support; I will look into
  this for 4.5.3, but if this is likely to be important to you, you can
  just install the ubuntu libraries in your copy of the virtual machine

So, I'm not saying that the 4.5.2 vmware image is perfect, but I'm not
convinced it's any worse than 4.3, and once again, you can find out
whether it works for you by trying it out.  Try it out on your computer
first and see if the cookies issue is fixed, and then see if your system
administrator is willing to give it a shot.


Alex Ghitza -- http://aghitza.org/
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia

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