On 29 Dez., 17:33, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The main problem is that Puppy Linux or whatever must have compiled
> Sage without the right headers available.  It's entirely mysterious to
> us exactly why R requires certain developer tools installed to give
> you X11.  But it doesn't, and so in the spkg-install we check for as
> many of these things as we know about.  However, the Puppy
> installation probably doesn't have them all, so when it compiled R, it
> did so without support for this.   Here is part of it (without some
> comments):
> if [ -f /usr/include/X11/Xwindows.h ]; then
>     XSUPPORT=yes
> else
>    if [ "x`uname`" = xSunOS ] && [ -f /usr/X11/lib/libXv.so ] ; then
>        XSUPPORT=yes
>    else
>        XSUPPORT=no
>    fi
> fi
> On Mac we instead enable Aqua, because X11 support is very difficult
> to implement for the general case (it depends heavily on version of OS
> X).
> So one solution would be to compile Sage from scratch (which is easy);
> another is to download a binary built on a machine which had these
> things.  We really wish there was a good solution to this, but
> repeated requests on the R help list did not lead to further
> elucidation.
> Also, not all R packages behave nicely in this way - I've had trouble
> installing ones that assumed access to certain things like OpenGL as
> well.  But you are right that big ones like R Commander should be ok.
> I'm not sure whether this will help, but it should help understand
> what the problem is, anyway.
> - kcrisman

Ok, thanks for the pointers!

In fact, as I said, I have just used the usual ubuntu binaries from
the sage server to make
the live cd. I did this because I figured this could be a possibility
to reduce the amount of work to have a working
live CD considerably (given the fast release cycle of sage). And, as I
said, it passed sage -testall without errors (exception: cython throws
on error because there is no gcc installed in the base distribution).
Also, as mentioned, the current ubuntu vmware image has exactly the
same problem (i.e. plotting in R doesn't work, r.capabilities() give
the same values).

Also I have every header installed in my installation. There is a well
tested development package, and I have even installed all the kernel
headers . So I doubt it is really a problem of missing header files in
the base OS. The same packages are used for all compiling purposes.

I will compile a version of R and try to get it working, then I will
compile sage from scratch an use it instead of the ubuntu binaries.
Lets see where "the dog is burried" (german proverb).

So is it right to say that plotting from R, and installation of most R-
packages should work in a working sage install?
Just to be sure it's no ghost I'm hunting ...

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