#11530: Conversion of finite field elements to PARI mangles Mod
   Reporter:  rbeezer         |          Owner:  AlexGhitza                     
       Type:  defect          |         Status:  needs_review                   
   Priority:  major           |      Milestone:  sage-4.7.1                     
  Component:  algebra         |       Keywords:  _pari_init_, variable name, 
finite field
Work_issues:                  |       Upstream:  N/A                            
   Reviewer:  Jeroen Demeyer  |         Author:  Simon King                     
     Merged:                  |   Dependencies:                                 

Comment(by rbeezer):

 With v2 patch, and both instances of
 {{{_finite_field_ext_pari_modulus_as_str()}}} commented-out, all long
 tests pass.

 (a) Does the v2 patch look acceptable?  It is uniformly faster and seems
 to fix the original problem.

 (b) Do we need to address Jeroen's annoyance above?

 (c) Should we trash both {{{_finite_field_ext_pari_modulus_as_str()}}}?

 I can manufacture a final patch, with Simon's name on it, if desired.  We
 could then call on Jeroen for a review.


Ticket URL: <http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11530#comment:10>
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